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Dentistry Ebook
Medical Ebook

Oxford American Handbook of Clinical Medicine - 2013

This is the second edition of a comprehensive pocket-sized reference for clinicians written by the faculty of Johns Hopkins University. The previous edition was published in 2009.
Purpose: Explaining they were motivated by the longstanding tradition of sharing medical knowledge with colleagues, the editors relate this book was written for physicians in training: students in medical school and physicians in their residency. They end their preface most appropriately with the exhortation, "Relish the journey, it will last a lifetime."
Audience: As noted, this book is for young physicians and students. However, it is much more inclusive than that implies, as it provides a comprehensive, yet compact reference for clinicians at every level.
Features: The book is organized in a traditional organ system format, with numerous systematic approaches to the information. Each section focuses on the relevant basic facts of clinical features, pertinent tests, and management — essentially the items clinicians would want at their fingertips. The information is surprisingly comprehensive for the small format. The radiological images and photographs are very well reproduced. The figures and tables are well constructed, fitting the small book format well.
Assessment: This is an extremely well-produced, pocket-sized book that provides all levels of clinicians a handy reference on rounds and in the office

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