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Beware Of The Danger From Your Keyboard and Mouse!!!

Did you often spent your time in front of your computer more than 4 hours?Beware! Because a keyboard and mouse can cause muscle pain and can also give rise to a tumor located on your wrist. Especially for those who always work in front of the computer or just playing games in a long time.

For those of you who are reading this article, look at your wrist. Does there appear brownish skin color different from the rest of your skin. Then, try to touch your skin, does it feel like a callus or a little different. If so, it is one thing that's maybe caused by the use of keyboard and mouse. In addition, you will feel soreness or pain in the wrist or the fingers of your hand. Especially if you are not properly seated. You will also feel sore around the neck and shoulders. Things that I described above, should not be underestimated. Because it can so you are exposed to diseases caused by the frequent use of computers. The disease is called Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is often called CTS disease.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) is a medical disorder with symptoms of tingling and pain in the hand and wrist, especially in the first three fingers (thumb, forefinger and middle finger). The cause of the most common problem is due to the pressure that often occurs in the section. Symptoms may be more pronounced at night, or when someone is in the cold temperature. Besides all symptoms I have mentioned above, there are also other symptoms. Such as hand or wrist rather weak and stiff, fingers felt uncomfortable, numb, numbness or tingling, especially in the thumb, index and middle fingers and is often awakened at night because of hand pain and often accompanied by numbness. When you are very serious things that can be held regardless of a sudden just like that. Suffered the worst possible things are breaking the wrist joint that causes the hand can not function at all. And women are three times more exposed to the disease than men of this CTS. In addition, there are some professions that are easy to get caught by CTS include:

In addition, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome will more easily appear in pregnant women, and to people who have a history of injuries in the wrist area. But, because the main topic is the mouse and keyboard, so to limit my explanation to here. :)
Do not worry or anxiety with this CTS disease. Because the disease can be cured of this CTS. As therapy, surgery, or so forth.
But, do you want this syndrome? I bet not. Well, here are some ways of prevention that can be done is as follows:
1. Distances between the eyes and the computer at least 60 cm.
2. Views between the eyes to the monitor should point slightly down or about 5-15 ° lower than the horizontal position of the eye.
3. Try to avoid light reflection or light coming into the monitor.
4. Hands' position on the keyboard should form an angle of 90 ° as well as feet.
5. Adjust your seat so that the hand position to be parallel to the table when you use the keyboard.
6. Do not use the computer without stopping (more than 2 hours). Do a little exercise (strecthing) and walk for a while (1 minute) on a periodic basis prior to doing your job. And at least istirahatkanlah your eyes for a moment.
7. Use the mouse and or keyboard buffer for your convenience.
8. Use a footrest if necessary.
9. Use a chair that will support your spine.
Those are some precautions that we can do. Because health is the worth value. So true the saying "Prevention is better than cure". Although it looks very trivial, but it should not be ignored. Because of something that begins with small things can cause a great thing.     

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